How To Stop Your Pet Getting Scared Of Loud Noises - A Holistic Approach
16/08/20 18:13
Natural Noise Solutions For Your Pet
Fireworks, thunderstorms and parties. These are some of the things that can be noisy and whilst maybe fun for people. Can terrify our cats or dogs. You can of course get medication from your veterinary surgeon to help calm your animal. Or even move them to another location - BUT there are natural ways you can help.
Here's some ideas of a few holistic therapies that can help
Essential Oil Therapy for Animals
Pure plant essential oils are popular to help a range of animal ailments. Including emotional issues.
Usually essential oils are "offered" to the animal, and if he or she wants it they will sniff it, and inhale the aroma. This is often called "self-selection". And so an animal should never be forced to have the essential oil therapy.
You can also apply some essential oils to the animal's body - by gentle massage.
Lavender is popular. And there has been research to prove its effectiveness. (see here) But there's also several other different essential oils that you can use for anxiety and stress. Including for that caused by loud noises such as fireworks and thunderstorms.
In the first instance, your Veterinary Surgeon may advise you on what to try. Or have a consultation with a professionally qualified zoopharmacognosy practitioner. Who can provide advice and guidance on what essential oils to use.
All sorts of animals can benefit from essential oils. From small pets to larger livestock, such as horses, cattle or even llamas!
Bach Flower Remedies For Animals
There are 38 different Bach Flower Remedies. Comprising plant, mineral, water and flower essences. Many people may have heard of "Rescue Remedy". And although this is often very useful for helping relieving the anxiety of stressful situations. There are many other Bach Flower Remedies that can help - such as Mimulus or Rock Rose.
Usually Bach Flower Remedies come in small bottles with a pipette. It's important never to put the pipette into the animal's mouth. Instead, put a couple of drops onto a treat, food or into your animal's water. Or, if you're not sure that your animal will take the remedy. Then apply it to their paws so that they lick it off.
There are many Bach Flower Remedy practitioners trained in working with animals. So it maybe useful to have a consultation with a trained practitioner to ensure your animal experiences the best possible results.
For help locating a practitioner near you, please get in contact with me by emailing
Massage For Pets
Massage benefits all animals. Whether they be your rabbit, dog, cat, horse or other animal! Although massage helps mobility problems. Massage can also help a range of emotional problems. As it can be a very relaxing technique and so help "take the edge" off of stressful situations.
As with any therapy, it's important to know what you're doing, to get the best out of massage. So if you've not completed any training yourself. Do let your animal have a massage session with professional therapist. For help locating a therapist, do email me here at Taranet.
Discover more information on helping your pet cope with loud noises, using a holistic approach at my advice page here
Find out more about dozens of natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore how complementary therapies can help your animal!
About the Author
Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.