3 Tips For Your Horse's Natural Wound Care
13/06/22 17:07
How To Care For Your Horse's Wounds With A Holistic Approach
Finding your horse with a wound is always unwelcome. But what can you do to help?
First of all assess whether you need the vet. Every wound is different. Where it is on your horse's body, the length, the depth and any other symptoms will make a difference.
If you're in doubt whether you can manage it yourself, or it's clear your horse is in distress. Then speak to your veterinary surgeon as soon as possible.
There's many holistic approaches that you can use to help manage your horse's wound care.
In this post, get the lowdown on three of these. Always useful to know about, as you never know when your horse could get a wound, as they often do at unexpected times!
Do they work? Well as with absolutely any medication, whether synthetic or natural or with many chemicals or not, every horse and every wound is different. So a lot of the time - yes they will. And other times, it maybe no.
Read on to get some tips
1. Aloe Vera - this is a herb which has been used for centuries, including for veterinary wound care. Recent research* has found again that it can be helpful to improve wound healing, this time in donkeys but it'd equally apply to horses.
*(2022). 'Effect of Aloe vera gel on the healing of cutaneous wounds in donkeys', Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 36(2), pp. 425-432. doi: 10.33899/ijvs.2021.130479.1830
Read more about aloe vera for animals here
2. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) - This is a form of light energy, and sometimes known as cold laser therapy. It's used for several reasons, including to help with equine wound care.
Find out more about LLLT at my advice page here.
3. Manuka Honey - Honey can be applied to wounds. But Manuka Honey which comes from very specific places in New Zealand, is thought to have very helpful antibacterial properties.
Read more at Honey and other bee products at my advice page here.
If your horse is stressed or anxious. Which can easily happen if they're injured. Then try Bach Flower Remedies which can be useful in helping the majority of emotional states, including in crisis situations.
Rescue remedy is probably one of the most well known. But there are 38 different remedies. Read my Bach Flower Remedies for Animals advice page here.
In conclusion - a holistic approach, herbal remedies and complementary therapies can all help with equine wound care. Speak to your vet for advice, and if you'd like a veterinarian who specialises in holistic approaches there are many around the world, so this could be an option too for you and your horse.
Like help finding a holistic veterinary surgeon or complementary therapist for your animal?
Please email me at info at taranet . co. uk
Please remember that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.
And do you know someone who'd find this helpful? Please share, the more we can spread awareness of the benefits of natural therapies the better! :)
Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!
About the Author
Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at www.taranet.co.uk, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.
Finding your horse with a wound is always unwelcome. But what can you do to help?
Does Your Horse Need A Vet?
First of all assess whether you need the vet. Every wound is different. Where it is on your horse's body, the length, the depth and any other symptoms will make a difference.
If you're in doubt whether you can manage it yourself, or it's clear your horse is in distress. Then speak to your veterinary surgeon as soon as possible.
How A Holistic Approach Can Help Equine Wound Care
There's many holistic approaches that you can use to help manage your horse's wound care.
In this post, get the lowdown on three of these. Always useful to know about, as you never know when your horse could get a wound, as they often do at unexpected times!
Do they work? Well as with absolutely any medication, whether synthetic or natural or with many chemicals or not, every horse and every wound is different. So a lot of the time - yes they will. And other times, it maybe no.
Read on to get some tips
1. Aloe Vera - this is a herb which has been used for centuries, including for veterinary wound care. Recent research* has found again that it can be helpful to improve wound healing, this time in donkeys but it'd equally apply to horses.
*(2022). 'Effect of Aloe vera gel on the healing of cutaneous wounds in donkeys', Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 36(2), pp. 425-432. doi: 10.33899/ijvs.2021.130479.1830
Read more about aloe vera for animals here
2. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) - This is a form of light energy, and sometimes known as cold laser therapy. It's used for several reasons, including to help with equine wound care.
Find out more about LLLT at my advice page here.
3. Manuka Honey - Honey can be applied to wounds. But Manuka Honey which comes from very specific places in New Zealand, is thought to have very helpful antibacterial properties.
Read more at Honey and other bee products at my advice page here.
Bonus Tip For Your Horse's Wound Care!
If your horse is stressed or anxious. Which can easily happen if they're injured. Then try Bach Flower Remedies which can be useful in helping the majority of emotional states, including in crisis situations.
Rescue remedy is probably one of the most well known. But there are 38 different remedies. Read my Bach Flower Remedies for Animals advice page here.
In conclusion - a holistic approach, herbal remedies and complementary therapies can all help with equine wound care. Speak to your vet for advice, and if you'd like a veterinarian who specialises in holistic approaches there are many around the world, so this could be an option too for you and your horse.
Like help finding a holistic veterinary surgeon or complementary therapist for your animal?
Please email me at info at taranet . co. uk
Please remember that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.
And do you know someone who'd find this helpful? Please share, the more we can spread awareness of the benefits of natural therapies the better! :)
Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!
About the Author
Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at www.taranet.co.uk, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.