How Red Light Therapy Can Help Your Pet
04/03/22 12:39
Can light make a difference to your pet's health?
The short answer is yes, it can! In this post find out more about one type of light therapy. Red Light Therapy is a non-invasive way to help animal health.
I discovered the benefits of Red Light when my own horse had a lameness. This prompted me to learn more about how it can help animal health. And I'm now a professionally trained practitioner using red light therapy to help pets and horses.
There's a couple of methods of this therapy often used to help animals.
1. Torches (PBM for Pets)
When using Torches, the process is called Photobiomodulation (PBM). PBM means moculating the biological processes of the body with Light energy(photons)
The application can help:
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Increase circulation
- Stimulate cellular repair.
Unlike medical laser procedures, PBM is not a surgical or thermal mechanism, but rather a photochemical effect. This means that the light is absorbed and exerts a chemical change.
Photopuncture, this is known as this because torches activate the acupoints in the body, similar to acupuncture.
To activate a point, it takes as little as 5 seconds per point.
There are several signs of releases of energy shifts in animals
- Blinking
- Licking
- Short spasms
- Stance changes
- Yawning
- Purring
- Passing gas
- Stretching
2. Light Pads For Animal Health
These products help animals as well as humans. Light therapy pads can be placed onto your pet to soothe.
I love working with animals because they are very responsive and you see a change when you are working on them. Each session runs about 30 minutes in time.
How Many Sessions Are Needed To Help My Animal's Health with Light Therapy?
Depending on the issue, some need regular sessions, once per week to once every four weeks.
For other issues, you can do a couple sessions and the animal is great for months.
You can use lights for pretty well everything from skin issues to internal issues. Your veterinary surgeon can advise, and be sure to use a professionally qualified practitioner for your pet or horse.
Is There Any Research Evidencing Benefits of Red Light Therapy For Pets?
Yes there is! Check out these links below
- Looney AL, Huntingford JL, Blaeser LL, Mann S. A randomized blind placebo-controlled trial investigating the effects of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on canine elbow osteoarthritis. Can Vet J. 2018 Sep;59(9):959-966. PMID: 30197438; PMCID: PMC6091142.
- Photobiomodulation (PBM) – laser therapy and veterinary first aid (IVC Journal, 2021)
- Lisa A. Miller, Debbie (Gross) Torraca, and Luis De Taboada.Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery.Apr 2020.195-205.
- Hoisang S, Kampa N, Seesupa S, Jitpean S. Assessment of wound area reduction on chronic wounds in dogs with photobiomodulation therapy: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Vet World. 2021;14(8):2251-2259. doi:10.14202/vetworld.2021.2251-2259
Please remember…..
that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.
And do you know someone who'd find this helpful? Please share, the more we can spread awareness of the benefits of natural therapies the better! :)
Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!
About The Authors
This is a guest post by Shelley Leach, professionally qualified light therapy for animals practitioner, who is owner of "Shell's Light 4 Life" based in Alberta, Canada.
And edited by Suzanne Harris who is founder of this Taranet website at, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.