How To Care For Your Foal With A Holistic Approach
01/10/20 22:03
How Foals Can Be Kept Happy Naturally
Seeing a foal in the field with his or her mother is a lovely sight. Foals are so cute! But have you thought about how to care them? And how you can ensure they have a holistic approach to their health from the start?
It's never to early to introduce a horse to a natural lifestyle. Even though a horse in the field may seem natural, it's sometimes not all it seems!
Here are 5 tips to help you care for your foal naturally:
- Movement and shelter - A foal has a lot of growing to do. 24 hour turnout with mum is best. In a large field. But of course ensure the field has shelter from the wind, rain or sun. A good large established hedge is best. Or a field shelter (or 2) is a good idea too. If your field has herbs and good quality meadow plants it will provide variety to the diet.
- Footcare - A foals feet need care. An experienced qualified farrier will help give your foal a good experience. This is important to stop any fear problems later in life. But if your foal is nervous or excited by the farrier (or the mare is cautious about baby having this attention). Then Bach Flower Remedies are a great complementary therapy to help with emotions. As of course are the energy therapies of Reiki and Radionics.
- Nutrition - As I mentioned in tip 1, variety to the diet is a good idea. You are what you eat is a popular saying for people. AND it applies to horses and foals too! Of course while your foal is drinking mum's milk, the nutrition for your mare is even more essential. It's best to think about nutrition before the foal is born. While your mare is pregnant consider the nutrition then. Some herbal supplements maybe useful. As can some homeopathy to help promote good health. A qualified veterinary surgeon who's trained in herbal medicine or homeopathy, will help.
- Handling - You don't want your foal to grow up with fear. Nor do you want your foal thinking he or she can use his size to do exactly what he wants. It could be dangerous - not just for you, but for the young horse. The Tellington Ttouch is a great holistic training technique. Helping with body awareness, increasing confidence and is gentle. You can find many Tellington Ttouch practitioners across the world.
- Weaning - this can be stressful. So should be managed with empathy, sensitivity and kindness. Many complementary therapies can help with this. So that mare and youngster both are happier about the situation. There are 38 Bach Flower Remedies, one (or more) will help both. Energy therapies like Reiki and Radionics can help to relieve tension. And reduce anxiety. Also zoopharmacognosy (aromatherapy) can relieve tension.
Remember.. With any horse health / care situation it's important to get Veterinary advice before using a complementary therapy to help. Consider too that what works with one horse may not necessarily work with another.
Find out more about all the therapies listed here. Plus many more complementary natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore and find out how you can help your horse, dog or other animal!
About the Author
Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.