How Cod Liver Oil Could Help Your Dog's Health

Does Your Dog Need To Discover Cod Liver Oil's Benefits?

Have you heard of cod liver oil? You may well know the benefits of it for human health. But have you considered using it to help your dog? And why would you, are there any benefits for your dog's health?

First of all what is cod liver oil?

It's the oil from the liver of the fish cod. And it is only that. Fish oil will be from other fish. So that would mean the tissues of other cold water fish like tuna, mackerel or salmon for example.

Cod liver oil contains less omega-3 fatty acids than regular fish oils, but more vitamins A and D.

It's the omega-3 fatty acids that are normally seen as the benefit of taking a fish (or cod) oil supplement. But the vitamins can be useful too!

Should I choose fish oil or cod liver oil for my dog?

As with any supplement you need to know why you're using it. Seems obvious? Well sometimes you can hear about someone using a supplement with their dog, or a certain feed. And think that seems a good idea.

If your dog has any kind of ailment, speak to your vet and get a diagnosis. Will a supplement be useful? Often veterinary surgeon's do recommend supplements, so do ask! And if your dog is on any medication then find out if it's safe to use, as sometimes supplements and medicine don't mix.

One of my principles for good animal health. Is a high quality basic diet.

What do I mean? Not using synthetic, processed feed. Choosing food that's as natural as possible. Organic, unprocessed or raw.

If your dog is having a high quality balanced diet. Then this should be full of nutrients already. It's only if your dog has a specific deficiency. That's when a supplement will be normally needed.

So if you do decide a fish oil or cod liver oil supplement is something that's safe and a good idea. Which one?

Well as I mentioned earlier there are some differences in nutritional value.

My top tip, as with any supplement. Is to choose one that's a high quality. That will not always be the most expensive!

When I say high quality I mean, a supplement that's organic if possible. And always one that is sustainably sourced. Fish stocks around the world are under threat. So choose a fish supplement that is clear in its origin. Don't settle for anything less. If you're unsure ask the manufacturer. There are dozens of supplement providers for your dog to choose from. So shop around if needed.

Why will cod liver oil help my dog?

Usually it's used to help with arthritis or skin health. But other health benefits may exist too. Veterinary research has taken place. This includes:

How Much Cod Liver Oil or Fish Oil Should My Dog Have?

Firstly, more is not better! It's possible to have too much cod-liver-oil, (just the same as with people). So use according to your vet's instructions. Don't be tempted to use more than is recommended.

Other marine supplements for your dog's health?

Yes, green lipped mussel is a popular supplement for people and pets, particularly to help with arthritis. Read more at my green lipped mussel for animals post here.

Lastly, remember if you're concerned about your dog's health, then get proper qualified veterinary surgeon advice before trying any complementary therapy or supplement.

You can also find holistic veterinary surgeon's and trained natural canine healthcare professionals around the world to help you.

Find out more about dozens of natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore how complementary therapies can help your animal!

About the Author

Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at And also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals. Plus sells a large range of aloe vera healthcare for people and animals.

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