How To Pick The Best Supplement For Your Laminitic Horse
15/07/21 12:44
How Can Feed Supplements Help Your Horse, Pony or Donkey With Laminitis?
First of all, if your equine has laminitis. Or you suspect he or she is ill, please contact your veterinary surgeon! This post provides general advice to help you understand more about using supplements. But it doesn’t replace proper professional veterinary advice. Remember laminitis is serious, and can even be fatal. So don’t delay getting help for your equine. Get more on laminitis here.
There are many ways to help manage laminitis. Managing turnout, ensuring a good surface to exercise/stand on, excellent farriery care are all essential. But diet and the nutrition within all food is also vital. This is where supplementation can help.
So What Ingredients Can Be Used To Help In An Equine Laminitis Supplement?
Here’s some information on ingredients which are often found in specific supplements for laminitis.
- Biotin is an essential vitamin, meaning it’s essential to help the body function properly. Deficiency can lead to brittle nails in humans, and it’s thought deficiency in horses leads to weak hooves.
Veterinary research has found that biotin produces significant improvement in the growth and hardness of hooves. This research includes:
- Chromium is an ‘essential’ trace element. Meaning the body needs it to function properly.
Research has taken place suggesting chromium does help increase insulin sensitivity. Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) can lead to laminitis. And insulin resistance (or insensitivity) is a common feature of EMS.
Here's a link to 2020 veterinary research - "Chromium propionate increases insulin sensitivity in horses following oral and intravenous carbohydrate administration"
- Spirulina Platensis is a microalga which is known as a superfood for people and is increasingly becoming known as helping animals too. Including potentially horses with laminitis.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids, these help in maintaining a healthy body - for both us and our horses.
They have been found to help with the inflammatory response. And so have been considered for use in helping equine metabolic syndrome, which as mentioned above can be a precursor to laminitis. Find out more with this research
- Zinc this is an essential micro element, which is involved in regulating enzyme activity, including with metabolism.
This 2021 research supports this
What Else To Consider In Buying A Supplement For Your Horse?
Choose the best quality! How do you know this? Check out the ingredient list. Some names maybe confusing. But see if it says where the ingredients are sourced from. Is it an organic product? Or are ingredients naturally sourced? Don’t be seduced by marketing - some labels or advertisements may look glossy, but it doesn’t the product is going to be the best!
Remember that what suits one horse, pony or donkey doesn’t mean it will help your horse. Or vice versa. Don’t think something’s not worth trying just because your friend or fellow livery hasn’t found it works. Listen to what your vet suggests. Many larger equine veterinary practices may also produce their own supplement range that is just what you need.
Like help finding a veterinary surgeon or therapist for your animal?
Please email me at info at taranet . co. uk
Please remember that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.
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About the Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.