Tips to Stay Positive in Difficult Times

What a difference a few weeks make. Or even a few days! The coronavirus outbreak continues to evolve. Even if you're in good health and feel well, you may also be feeling confused. Sad, upset or even angry.

It's important to acknowledge our feelings, whatever they are. It can be easy to get overwhelmed with too much news and other people's opinions. Looking at social media and listening to news commentary or radio interviews. A common theme seems to be that a lot of people have very strong views. Now I do too. But I don't want to enforce them on others. We're all entitled to our own opinion. Sometimes though others opinions can seem wrong, judgemental and annoying. Don't let it get to you!

Take a break from the news. Listen or read it once a day if you can, and find it easier to deal with. Breathe. Underrated it is, but breathing long slow deep breathes can ease the stress! Spend a few minutes appreciating what is around you. Even if it's the ground your standing on, or the chair you're sitting on. Think about what you believe at this moment.

You may have question marks about your business. Do you think your income will drop? Can you continue to offer your existing service? Can you do any work online? Here's some ideas for you as a canine or equine therapist:

  1. Get clean, very clean. Clean down after every customer. Use one of the coronavirus effective cleaning solutions if you can too. Clean everything. Door handles, surfaces, etc.
  2. Biosecurity. Make sure your customers know that you're open for business, but only if they are well! If they're displaying any of the symptoms, then ask them to stay away.
  3. Skype/Facetime. What advice can you offer online? Can you provide a demonstration? Provide advice on how the owner can help their horse or dog. You can charge for this as an online consultation!
  4. YouTube or Instagram TV. Can you start producing some videos providing tips or information. Those that will be useful for existing and new customers?
  5. Complete some CPD. Whether that's online training about your therapy. (or another that could help long-term with your business). My online social media course for you. Reading up on latest research/developments.
  6. Talking of reading. If you'd like some healthy inspiration check out your Aloe Matters e-mag, it's waiting for you online at

There are lots of things restricted (or will be). But there are still lots of things that are possible. Remember this pandemic will pass. It may not seem it. But it will!

If you want the latest NHS advice, please visit

Action Points

1. Reflect on the above ideas. What can you do to re-purpose your business at this difficult time?
2. Get help to feel calmer by trying meditation. Gabby Bernstein has lots to help you with this. Visit her
website here.

Until next time and if any questions then please email me, or contact me on social media (links below).

Finally, keep safe and well :)

Regards, Suzanne

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.