How To Market Your Horse or Dog Care Business #1
28/06/19 20:02
You can get lots of different ideas on how to promote your horse or dog care business. This can include offline advertising, such as magazines and newspaper ads. Or online using websites and social media. But before you do any promotional and marketing work, you should consider some basics. These marketing basics are:
So let’s take these in turn and consider as an animal care professional what these might mean to you.
Messaging - Do you want potential customers to see you as an expert working with dogs? Or someone who travels helping animals around the world? Or is education your goal, and advising people on how best to care for their animals?
If you are an 'educator', make sure your marketing strategy shows how you will do this. For example, will you be holding workshops, lecturing on courses or at events? Spend some time thinking about what your messaging strategy is.
Ideal Customer - Research who your ideal customer is. So for example if you want to work with racehorses. Your ideal customer will be someone who trains racehorses. But then you can refine that further. So is your ideal customer a flat-racehorse or national hunt or a point to point trainer? Where is your ideal customer based? Understand what their interests might be and think of how and why they would want to be buying a service from you.
Fit in the marketplace - Are you the same or different from your competitors? You do need to understand who your competitors are and what they appear to be offering. But it’s not a race - remember you may not know how successful another business is anyway.
A good point to consider is that you want to attract your ideal customer. You may prefer to have clients who are regular and repeat customers. Clients who want you to help their horses or dogs for preventative treatments. Or you may prefer to travel to shows and competitions. Being able to help your animal athlete achieve their best performance.
In Conclusion - Be clear on what messages you want to get “out there”. If you know your ideal customer profile and where you want to be in the marketplace. You can then build on that and start developing your marketing strategy further. Whether you are a sole trader working by yourself or are a larger company. The principles of marketing remain the same.
What Should You Do Next?
Review your marketing plans. Do you need to make any changes? If your marketing is already going well, that's great. But could you make any refinements?
How to Make Your Equine or Canine Business Thrive
Email me at info @ for business coaching and consultancy information.
About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.
- What is the messaging you want to get across to your ideal customer?
- Who is your ideal customer?
- Where do you want to “fit” in the market place?
So let’s take these in turn and consider as an animal care professional what these might mean to you.
Messaging - Do you want potential customers to see you as an expert working with dogs? Or someone who travels helping animals around the world? Or is education your goal, and advising people on how best to care for their animals?
If you are an 'educator', make sure your marketing strategy shows how you will do this. For example, will you be holding workshops, lecturing on courses or at events? Spend some time thinking about what your messaging strategy is.
Ideal Customer - Research who your ideal customer is. So for example if you want to work with racehorses. Your ideal customer will be someone who trains racehorses. But then you can refine that further. So is your ideal customer a flat-racehorse or national hunt or a point to point trainer? Where is your ideal customer based? Understand what their interests might be and think of how and why they would want to be buying a service from you.
Fit in the marketplace - Are you the same or different from your competitors? You do need to understand who your competitors are and what they appear to be offering. But it’s not a race - remember you may not know how successful another business is anyway.
A good point to consider is that you want to attract your ideal customer. You may prefer to have clients who are regular and repeat customers. Clients who want you to help their horses or dogs for preventative treatments. Or you may prefer to travel to shows and competitions. Being able to help your animal athlete achieve their best performance.
In Conclusion - Be clear on what messages you want to get “out there”. If you know your ideal customer profile and where you want to be in the marketplace. You can then build on that and start developing your marketing strategy further. Whether you are a sole trader working by yourself or are a larger company. The principles of marketing remain the same.
What Should You Do Next?
Review your marketing plans. Do you need to make any changes? If your marketing is already going well, that's great. But could you make any refinements?
How to Make Your Equine or Canine Business Thrive
Email me at info @ for business coaching and consultancy information.
About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.