How To Benefit Your Horse or Dog Care Biz With Twitter Chats
07/10/19 16:50
Join Twitter Chat Hours To Develop Your Horse or Dog Care Biz
Are you interested in using Twitter to develop your animal care business, but aren’t sure how? Then this post is for you!
A great way to engage with people on Twitter who will find your horse or dog care business interesting. Is to take part in relevant Twitter chats. There’s chats (which focus on a particular hashtag #) for hundreds of topics. Including animal related ones. The participants of these chats, use Twitter to make lasting connections. Whether with other like-minded individuals and brands. So they are likely to be valuable followers who will help share your message and engage with your brand.
Get the most out of Twitter chats by actively taking part. By replying, and following new people. Plus keep the relationship going after the chat has ended. For instance this could mean using the # hashtag outside of the dedicated hour. (many chats focus centered around a particular hour in the week).
Examples of animal related Twitter chats include (1) #EquineHour (2) #HorseHour. But there are many others - so do some research, look at different animal related brands and see what they’re using. You can create your own - yes you can!
If you can’t find a chat that makes sense for your business, then establish your own. It will need though you to make a concerted and sustained effort to build awareness of it. So depending on your available resources this could be a worthwhile investment. Or be too time consuming - promoted advertising is something to consider too.
Get more confidence in using Twitter with my free 1 page Twitter Basics Guide - Download Here
How to Get Confident Using Social Media With Your Equine or Canine Business
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About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.